11 March 2023
After a very warm February, with some days reaching 20° to 26°F above normal, the weather returned to expected March temperatures this week and our Too Early Spring hit the Pause Button.
The city’s Urban Heat Island still prompted non-native ornamental plants to bloom including crocuses above and forsythia below.

Garlic mustard came up in Schenley Park.

Native trees, like this sycamore in Schenley Park, waited for warmer weather while non-native willows turned yellow such as the willows at bottom right (perhaps Salix babylonica).

But there are better things to look at. Last Sunday the Botanical Society visited the Otto and Magdelen Ackerman Reserve in Westmoreland County where we found yellow corydalis (Corydalis flavula) poking up among the fallen leaves. No flowers yet.

Plus two impressive fungi on fallen trees.

By the way, don’t forget that Daylight Saving Time begins tonight in most of the U.S. It’s time to Spring Forward.
(photos by Kate St. John, .gif from Wikimedia Commons)
Great post, Kate! Thanks.