5 August 2023
Some amazing things were quite literally outside my window last week.
Above, nearby thunderstorms at sunrise on 29 July produced these ominous mammatus clouds.
Two days later a complete rainbow with purple arcs filled the sky. The purple is too faint to see in this photo.

It was also a week of large flying insects.
Larger elm leaf beetles (Monocesta coryli) have been flying by 60 feet above the pavement. This one rested on my window.

And spotted lanternfly adults (Lycorma delicatula) fly higher than you’d think. Their numbers increased dramatically in the past week.

No one’s talking about wildfire smoke but something was causing Code Orange air on Thursday. Air quality improved long before sunset.

(photos by Kate St. John)
Elm leaf beetles have also been on my windows here in Homestead. First time I had ever seen them. Buguide helped me to ID them.