Schenley Park Outing on April 14, 8:30am

Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Frick Park, 6 April 2024 (photo by Charity Kheshgi)

8 April 2024

Surprise! Instead of an outing on the last Sunday of the month, let’s go birding next weekend. Join me at the Schenley Park Visitors Center for a bird & nature walk on Sunday 14 April, 8:30a – 10:30a.

Yellow-bellied sapsuckers migrate through Allegheny County in April so mid-month is the best time to find one in Schenley. Charity Kheshgi and I saw this one at Frick.

We’ll also see trees in bud, in bloom, and with tiny leaves. Ten years ago the redbuds had not opened yet. Will they be blooming next Sunday?

Redbuds in bud, Schenley Park, 18 April 2014 (photo by Kate St. John)

April showers won’t stop us. This event will be held rain or shine, but not in downpours or thunder. Check the Events page before you come in case of cancellation.

Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Don’t forget your binoculars.

Hope to see you there.

p.s. If the birding is good I’ll give an option to continue until 11:00am.

p.p.s. Don’t expect a big show of spring wildflowers like we used to see several years ago. Pittsburgh’s overabundant deer have eaten everything except the toxic flowers.

(credits are in the captions)

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