Pitt Peregrines Getting Ready For Take Off

Young Pitt peregrines exercising wings, 1 June 2024 (photo by Charity Kheshgi)

2 June 2024

Yesterday, while I was away at the PA Society of Ornithology annual conference, Charity Kheshgi stopped by Schenley Plaza to check on the Pitt peregrines. Both youngsters were still on the nestrail so they probably hadn’t flown yet. But you can see from Charity’s photos and videos that these two were getting ready.

I think one of them will fly today … if it hasn’t already.

Young Pitt peregrines exercising wings, 1 June 2024 (photo by Charity Kheshgi)

(You’ll hear some background noise in the videos: a robin singing and the beeps and announcements from a nearby walk sign.)

Young Pitt peregrines exercising wings, 1 June 2024 (video by Charity Kheshgi)
Young Pitt peregrine practicing flight, 1 June 2024 (video by Charity Kheshgi)
Young Pitt peregrine uses the runway, 1 June 2024 (video by Charity Kheshgi)

Ta dah! She reached the far side.

Young Pitt peregrines exercising wings, 1 June 2024 (photo by Charity Kheshgi)

Come on down to Fledge Watch today at 4:30pm. Click here for more information.

2 thoughts on “Pitt Peregrines Getting Ready For Take Off

  1. I was there from 5:15 PM and stayed for about an hour. Both kids did a lot of flapping, squawking, and running on the nestrail. A parent brought some prey in and they gobbled it up (couldn’t tell what it was!) Then both parents did some nice demo flights, as if to say, “Come on, kids! You can do this too.”

    I just checked the cam (3:15 PM Sunday) and there are still 2 on the rail. I’ll head over to the plaza soon.

    1. Hope to see you there, Mary. I’ll be arriving at 430pm. And a reminder to everyone to come at the beginning of the one hour time slot (4:30p-5:30p). If no one shows up I’ll stay only a 1/2 hour.

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