First Egg Hatched at Gulf Tower

This morning at 6:33am Dori had her back to the camera when I saw her pick up an empty eggshell.  The eggshell meant the first chick had hatched but it took a while for Dori to turn around and show us the baby bird. 

Here it is, the first hatchling at Gulf Tower this year.

Last night Dori seemed so anxious for this egg to hatch that when Louie brought food for her, she held morsels in her beak and “ee-chupped” at the chicks inside their eggs.  “Come out and eat.”

Jennie Barker captured the “feeding” in a video hotspot on the WildEarth webcam site.   To watch it, click here for instructions.

Or click on Dori’s picture to watch the live falconcam at Gulf.

UPDATE 4/27, 10:32am:  Egg #2 just hatched.

(photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)

9 thoughts on “First Egg Hatched at Gulf Tower

  1. I saw her last night doing that. I watched on and off all day yesterday and into last night. I awoke this am at 5:15. What woke me up was the tornado siren. We had some violent weather this am and more is expected. I had no power at home and we are on generators here at work, so I missed the blessed event. I am happy that little guy finally chipped its way out of that shell.

  2. Well, there are actually TWO!! I just got several sceenshots because I’m not sure when it happened. But there are definately two, she just fed them.
    So three left for her…

  3. Kate..yes tornadoes are quite the thing here. Who knew, right? I can’t believe I moved from hurricane alley in Tampa to Tornado alley in Birmingham.

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