Two Fledge Watches: Gulf and Pitt

Three young peregrines at the Gulf Tower, 29 May 2017 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam)
Three young peregrines at the Gulf Tower, 29 May 2017 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam)

Two Fledge Watch locations this week!

Gulf Tower Fledge Watch continues May 29 and 30:

Even though you don’t always see them on camera the three young peregrines at the Gulf Tower haven’t flown yet.  There are still two more days of Gulf Tower Fledge Watch:

  • Today, May 29 Memorial Day, 11:30a – 1:30p at the Flag Plaza parking lot.  Plenty of free parking!
  • May 30, 11:30a-1:30p at the sidewalk leading up to the Pennsylvanian railroad station.


Meanwhile across town …

Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch is scheduled for June 2-6:

Three peregrine chicks at Cathedral of Learning, 29 May 2017 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)
Three peregrine chicks at Cathedral of Learning, 29 May 2017 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

The peregrine chicks at the Cathedral of Learning are losing their down and turning brown so it’s time to plan for Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch.

Meet me and/or John English of Pittsburgh Falconuts at the Schenley Plaza tent, Friday June 2 through Tuesday June 6, 11:30a – 1:30p.

Click here for a Google map of Schenley Plaza.

Schenley Plaza tent (photo by Kate St. John)
Schenley Plaza tent

As always, check the Events page for last minute updates.  Fledge Watch will be canceled if it’s raining.

What a busy week!  It’s convenient that the two nests hatched a week apart.


(peregrine photos from the National Aviary falconcams at Gulf Tower and Cathedral of Learning. Schenley Plaza tent photo by Kate St. John)

4 thoughts on “Two Fledge Watches: Gulf and Pitt

  1. So exciting that all these chicks will be fledging and leaving the nests that we have been watching so closely. They are such beautiful falcons. Amazing how quickly they grew from those little cotton balls. Here’s hoping for sucessful fledges and thanks to those volunteers who watch from the ground to keep them as safe as possible. Turned out to be a great peregrine season in Pittsburgh.

  2. Hi Kate, Were the results of the unhatched egg taken from the Gulf Tower ever released? Just curious.

    1. Helen, no results yet. I doubt we will hear about them. It takes months to get around to the test. The test is merely to collect data, not to diagnose anything.

  3. Just watched lunchtime today at Pitt. What a free-for-all! Hope barely landed in the nest with food before one of the youngsters snatched it away and wouldn’t let anyone else have any. Hope had to wrestle it from her to try and feed the other ones. The smallest one, must’ve been the male, held back and let her feed the two girls, then he moved in and grabbed onto the remains. Hope finally got it back a second time and moved to the rear of the nestbox where the male followed as she fed him and the second female. Although the second female never grabbed for the food, she was there for the first and second feeding so managed to end up with the biggest crop.

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