24 November 2023
Deer hunting seasons are changing this weekend in Pennsylvania. Archery season will pause tomorrow (25 Nov) until the day after Christmas (26 Dec) because Deer Rifle Season begins on Saturday 25 November and runs through 9 December including THIS SUNDAY 26 November.
CORRECTION! (Thanks to Noelle’s comment) The archery hunt in Frick and Riverview Parks does take a pause in December but those dates match Allegheny County’s Archery season, not the statewide dates listed above. Engage Pittsburgh lists the 2023 archery dates in the City of Pittsburgh as: Saturday, September 30 – Saturday, December 9* and Tuesday, December 26 – Saturday, January 27 (2024)* *Excluding Sundays.
Meanwhile, the City’s deer are wise to what’s going on and have left Frick Park to browse their way through the neighborhoods. The pair pictured above visited a Squirrel Hill polling place on Election Day.
Deer hunting will be particularly intense in the countryside this weekend so wear orange if you go for a walk in the woods!

The PA Game Commission’s 2023-2024 Hunting and Trapping Pocket Guide lists the seasons in a nutshell. I’ve highlighted the remaining deer hunting days. Pink+arrow indicates Archery days in the City of Pittsburgh. We are in WMU 2B.
Deer Hunting Dates in PA, 25 November 2023 – 27 January 2024

WMUs for the extended hunts are circled below.

(credits are in the captions)
You can still archery hunt during firearms season. See FAQs here: https://engage.pittsburghpa.gov/pittsburgh-deer-management-pilot-program for dates.